Parent Info
Parent Visits
The center does permit unannounced visits by parents to the center and their child’s room while their child is present. The center’s doors are always locked, so please ring the doorbell and announce yourself at the office.
Reports to Parents
The center will, periodically but at least every six months, prepare a written assessment of the participation of each child in the center’s program. The Progress Report and will be maintained in the child’s records. They will be distributed in January and May. The center shall provide a copy of each report to the parent(s).
Children with disabilities will be given written progress reports every three months.
Parent Conferences
The center will make the staff available for individual conferences with parents at parental request sometime in February and/or anytime necessary.
Food & Clothing
Parent’s will provide a nutritious snack and/or lunch and a natural fruit juice box or plastic disposable water bottle.
Due to the increasing number of our students with life-threatening food allergies, food will be limited to peanut-free, and nut-free. Please advise your child that no food sharing is permitted. Birthdays will still be celebrated with crowns and certificates. For Holidays, curriculum activities such as stories, songs and games will be the focus of the celebration.
If your child has any food allergies, please notify us in writing.
The Nurse and the Classroom Teacher will be informed. The Nurse will provide a form to be signed and completed prior to opening day.
It is our school’s policy not to have any food other than the daily snack and/or lunch provided by the parents, brought to the center. This rule needs to be strictly enforced for the safety of our children.
The first day of school, all parents should pack a complete change of clothing (underwear, socks, pants and top) in a plastic bag, labeled with your child’s name. It is best to bring a jogging suit type material so, throughout the year while your child is growing, the clothes will still fit. Having an alternate outfit helps to prevent any embarrassment in case your child wets, soils or dirties his/her clothing. Present these to your child’s teacher or aide and the clothes will be stored in the classroom closet and returned to you at the end of the school session. Paint smocks are provided by the school. Parents must also provide a backpack (labeled with child’s first, last name and classroom color) to transport any special art work or notices.
World of Wonder provides a relaxed atmosphere for learning, so casual clothing will be the most comfortable for our outdoor school activities. The center has an outside, fenced-in playground.
You say you love your children
And are concerned they learn today?
So am I – that’s why I’m providing
A variety of kinds of play.
You’re asking me the value
Of blocks and other such play?
Your children are solving problems,
They will use that skill everyday.
You’re asking what’s the value
Of having your children play?
Your daughter’s creating a tower,
She may be a builder someday.
You’re saying you don’t want your son
To play in that “sissy” way?
He’s learning to cuddle a doll,
He may be a father some day.
You’re questioning the interest centers,
They just look like useless play?
Your children are making choices,
They’ll be on their own some day.
You’re worried your children aren’t learning
And later they’ll have to pay?
They’re learning a pattern for learning,
For they’ll be learners always.